পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৯২১

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

[ xiv ]

ct ego iu Arcadia ( L ) wtc^^l I

exempli gratia ( L ) e. g.— by way of exam- ple I

ex natura rei ( L ) from the nature of the case C^t I

ex nihllo nihili fit ( L ) Out of nothing, noth- ing comes ^^1


ex officio ( L ) By virtue of his office C^tC^I c^:i I

ex parte ( L ) On one side oil^^^^Pl,


ex re nata ( L ) According to circum- stance that has arisen I


facile est invent is addere ( L ) It is easy to add to things invented already «I1C^ cwt^i I

facta non verbe ( L ) Deeds not words ( I

factum est ( L ) It is done i

fait accompli ( Fr ) a thing already done c^t?l I

falsus is uno falsus in omnibus ( L ) false in ,one point false in all ^ 1

fama clamosa ( L ) a current scandal I

fas est et ab hostc doccri ( L ) It is right to be taught even by an enemy *(3?

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felicitas multos habet amicos ( L ) Prosperity has many friends I

felo de se ( L ) A suicide i

femme savante ( Fr ) a learned woman

  1. 1 i

feu dc joie ( Fr ) a bonfire c^tfuf 1

fiat justitia mat cedum ( L ) let justice be done though heaven falls «tPl ♦tf5rr»l'6 I

fide et amore ( L ) By faith and love HpufT

fide, sed cui vide ( L ) trust, but in whom take care f^’SltJT stints? ^‘^11 I

fleeter! is nequco superos Acherronta movebo

( L ) If I cannot move the gpds I will stir up hell

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forte et fideli nihil difficile ( L ) To the brave and faithful nothing is difficult

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fraus pi a ( L ) A pious fraud iftftpp I front! nulla fides ( L ) No reliance on the face C?f^ CHttTff^r I

frou-frou ( Fr ) the rustling of women’s clothes I

fugit bora ( F ) The hour flies ^

functus officio ( L ) out of office n^1

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gendermes ( F ) n. pi. Armed Police I

gens de condition ( Fr ) people of rank

gens de robe ( Fr) lawyers i

gravis ira regum est semper ( L ) the anger of kings is always serious ^trwT^


gutta cavat laptdem ( L ) the drop wears away the stone ilirijt*!

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