পৃষ্ঠা:The pronouncing anglo assamese dictionary.djvu/৫৫৮

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


I 541 1


harshly, hardship, severity «I^TtFt4,

Oppressive ( ) adj. treating with

severity, overburdensomc ^^TtFT^S, ^ I

Oppressor ( ) n. one who oppresses

Opprobrious ( ) adj. reproachful,

infamous I

Opprobriousness n. wrtf^, Ptf^, i

Opprobrium ( ) n. reproach, infamy

Oppugn ( ) V. t. to oppose by argu- ment ^ I

Optative ( ) adj. expressing desire

or wish I

Optic, Optical ( ) adj. relating to

sight, or to optics 1

Optics n. {sing.) the science of the nature of vision and light ^ »

Optimism ( ) n. doctrine of taking

hopeful view of everything ^rpwi ^1?,

Tiiui irr^«n i

Optimist n. one who holds that every- thing is for the best

Optimistic adj. 1 ( opp.

to pessimistic=«1^9ft7^^) 1

Option ( ) n. right of choosing,


wish I It is his

option (^>54 I

Optional ( ) adj. left to one’s

choice I

Opulent ( ) adj. wealthy

«R4t5T I

Opulence ( ^fn^-cai^ ) n. riches, wealth

I Opus magnum n.

the great work of one’s life

Or ('BR ) conj. Tl, f^PTl,

Oracle ( ) n. the answer uttered

by the gods ; a wise man or his

decision RTt^, ; a

place where the replies were given by the gods ciftTl itt • Work the

oracle = to manage to have some secret

influence in one’s favour

^Tirtu ^ ‘

Oral ( '5t’c^»T ) adj. spoken, not written c^?n f

Orally ( ) adv. by word of mouth

Orange ( ) n. a sweet fruit of the lemon kind having reddish yellow

colour when ripe dl*1 ; reddish

yellow colour ^^*1 I Or-

ange-peel n. the rind of an orange cHu Tt5iPf»T I

Orangery ( ) n. an orange garden

^1 I

Orang-outang ( ) n. a large man- like ape ^ I

Orarian ( ) adj. pertaining to the

coast >rr^^ i

Oration ( ) n. an eloquent speech


Orator ( ) 11 . & man of eloquence

I (/<rm. Oratrix or Oratress).

Oratorial ( ) adj. pertaining to

oratory l

Oratory ( 'ez^^ ) «. the art of speaking

ebquently ; a building

for private worship l

Orb ( ) n. a circle, a sphere iT'QBT, ^ ;

the eye F^, F^ 1

Orbate, Orbed adj. circular F3j*t^^,

I Orbicular adj.

Orbit ( ) n. the path of a planet

round its centre n?r,

hollow of the eye F^^ ^1

C’*rtCTt^ I Orbital adj.

Orchard ( ) w. a garden of fruit trees