THE KEBELA—ON BUYING LAND. 87 Bar gaclih katile ghifcingai karile, Chitiki parile ethd. Lokak dekhuwai keterai matiba, Bhitari neriba betba. "When the " lor " tree was cut down, it fell with a crash. And its juice poured out like rain. Before people speak to him sharply, In private you should make much of him. The first part of the proverb is irrelevant to the second, which, as being a piece of advice to some one, should more properly have been detailed in Class II. f^f^^l^ (^^i^*w^a«)=an onomatopoeic word, signifying any sudden sound, as a clap of thunder — {Bronson), 1%f^f^ (f^l^f^) " c7^^7^A:i," literally, driving in like heavy rain through an open window. ^^ ^ (Bar gachh) =^^, the Indian fig {Ficus indica). These trees grow to an enormous size in Assam, notably the " Teseng Bor gachh " near Difflu in Golaffhat.
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260. The kereld. Bare hat kerelar tere hat guti. The hereld is 12 cubits long, but the seeds are thirteen I The " kereld " is the " Momordica carantiat' a well-known vegetable. (Bengali "^^^1; karald.) The saying is applied to a man who draws the long bow. 261. On buying land. mi? f%f^?l Tt^ ^H Mati kiniba maj khal, Chhowali anib^ mdk bhal. Buy land which slopes towards the centre, And marry a girl whose mother is good. c/. — " Take a vine of a good soil and a daughter of a good mother." This is borrowed from Dak.