THE " BAGAHI " PLTJM — PADDY. 83 146. The " hagari " plum. ^g^ ^ft^ ^^f^ nft^^ I Ulur lagat bagari purile. The plum tree is burnt with the ulu grass. In " ulu '* grass jungle the '* hagariy^ or wild plum, is frequently found. 247. *'Dhdn and "pan." Ek Ahine dhdn, Tiai Shaone p^n. In one Ahin dhan, In three Shaons pdn. The transplanted rice begins to come into ear in Ahin, about 15th September to 15th October. The paddy is not ripe, however, till well on in December or beginning of January, The pan, however, takes two years to mature. This is one of Dak's sayings. S48. "Paw." ^S^l"^ 5t^5^ *ltJT f^t pF ^?l ^U I Eke gachhar pan si ki haba in. It is " p^n " from the same tree, how will it be different. The saying means he is a *' chip of the old block, how will he differ from his father ? 249. Paddt/. Kumaliya bharl; dhun sunge bindhile phure atdH pdri. ii3
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৯৩
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