82 SOME ASSAMESE PBOVERBS. ^— I—— ^^^"^ — '^^^^-^— ■■■■■II. I ...I „ ii.i. ^»^^— I . —^■.■■■i I II IIP* 244. -^gony of Death.
- ^^ f^f*' Ftf^ ^51^ 'It^^l I
Thuparir pai^ maje phutd chai, kati khui katan^, Ei tinl cliari jamar jatand. To be the husband of a worthless woman, a boat covering with a hole in the middle of it, and to live by spinning and weaving for wages, These three are tho agony of death. cf. the Hindi proverb — • Jhar jhar juri urukha ghar, Nari ehanchal chor nakar, B^p satru satman pai, EM pancha bap sahan najai. A water pot with a hole in it, a leaky house, an unsteady wife, a thief servant, a father an enemy, these five are unen- durable. In Assam, the bullock carts and boats are covered with hoods made of matting, with bamboo hoops to support it. Any one who has travelled in a bullock cart or in a boat with a hole in its hood on a wet night in the rains, will endorse the truth of this saying. ^^^1 (katana)=c^5^^ c^t^^ =5:^1 ^^ ^ ^tt^ aHl l!^^ i" — (JBronson.) "(J3echaloi lokar shutd hatd bd kdpar bowd mdnush)." One who spins or weaves for others for hire. ^^ (jam) is the Indian Pluto. Class V. PROVERBS PELATING TO AGRICULTURE AND SEASONS. 2^g. The brinjal out of season. ^t^ftlfl C=^C5f5?f| csit^ c^t^ c^t^ c^t^ ■^'^ I Abatariya bengenai mok tol mok tol kare. The eo-g plant that is out of season, cries out '* pluck me," " pluck me.^' This saying is expressive of contempt towards men who are too pushing.