THE STINGY WIFE-WOMEN. 289. The stingy anife, বিধতায় দিলেও তিৰুতাই নিদিয়ে। Bidhatay dileo tirutai nidiye. Although Bidhata gave, the wife does not! বিধতা (Bidhata) is Brahma, the creator. 840. The anife always beautiful. মাজ মুৰত নাই চুলি, পৈয়েক মাতে ৰুপহী বুলি। | Maj murat nai chuli, paiyek mate rupahi buli. She has no hair on the middle of her head, but her husband | calls her rupaka ” (the beautiful one). 2 . 4 paragon of a unife. সৰ্ব্ব লক্ষনী তাই, পাটীতে মুতে চৰুততা খাই। Sarba sulakhyani tai, patito mute charuto khai. | A paragon of a wife, she spoils the bed and eats from th: cooking pot. The proverb is of course ironical. 242. Ipomeo. | তিৰীৰ চুটি বাঢ়নীৰ বুটি। Tirir chuti baranir buti. " Women that are short in stature and brooms that are worn out | are to be avoided. The Assamese think a great deal of a tall woman. == = = 243. Women, তিৰী, মিৰি, ভাটৌ, কোৱা, এই তিনি চাৰিৰ আসৈ নো পোৱা। Tiri, Miri, bhat, kowa, Ei tini charir asai no powa. Of women, Miris, the parrot, and the crow, The minds of these four you cannot know. Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৯১
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