LAUGHING AT OTHERS, MISFOHTTINE — HOW THINGS ARE TESTED. 37 holongd balances on the shoulder. In this way all burdens are carried in Assam, but the word c^!c^t«f1, I believe in Upper Assam is only applied to the pole used for carrying dhdn, ^^t^tf^ to the word for the bamboo that is used for carrying other burdens. 100. Laughing at others t misfortunes. C^X^ ^ C^t^, 'itt'l ^tc^ c^t^, Ghok bai ghok, sdpe khale tok, Machhti pale mok. Thrust your hand, sister, thrust your hand into the hole, If there be a snake it will bite you, but if thera be a fish let me have it. This is said in chaff by one girl fishing to another likewise engaged. 101' Useless cravings. Gharat nai kanto, bar sabhdlai manto. He has not a grain of rice in his house, but he -wishes to hold a big feast. This is almost similar to No. 97, except that 1^1 is sub- stituted for the verb '^<t^ i Also compare the Kdmrup proverb "^^tn^^t^'P^c"1^^>[^tt^5I5?c^1 {urdlat ndi kantoy bar sahhdlai manto). The ^^t^ or ^^t^r is a wooden mortar used for pounding rice in. 102. Mow things are tested, tf"^ f^ *tf^^ I Ghordk chini k£nat, Tirik chini tanat, Khurak chini shanat.
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৪৭
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