38 SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBS. Also the following Urdu saying on the same subject, where a forced pun is made on the Arabic word kan = is : "Kane ki badzatiya(n) haiii mere dil J'aqin, Ayi hai Qordn me (n) kan me (ii) alkafrin." Of the wickedness of the one-eyed I am thoroughly convinced, BecauB9 even in the Qordn it is said that the one-eyed is among the unbelieverd." 88* Useless cravings, Khdbaloi ndi kanto, Bar habalai manto. He who has not a grain (of rice) to eat, Has a mind to become great. ■^ 13 th* eye or germ of a seed, that which germinates or reproduces an atom. — (Bronson). So it comes to mean anything email. Young children are often called ^*i or '^H ^^1, ^^ c^T^t^ i 99. JExaggeration. Gachhat garu uthi, Holongare kan bindha. As wonderful as a bullock climbing a tree. Or the lob3 of tha ear being pierced with a holongd. Men as well as women bore their ears in Assam. When an earring is not worn, a piece of wood is inserted to keep the hole from closing up. Sometimes paper or cotton is used, but generally a cylindrically -shaped piece of wood. A c^t^t^l is a bamboo, used for carrying bundles of paddy, when reaping and carrying is going on. The bundles of dhdn (paddy) are slung on to each end of the holongd in equal proportions, so that the
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