SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBs. Learning under a teacher, An arrow with feathers, (Are both effective). ওজা is a magician, or more frequently an exorcist, to Proverb No. 17. de note 88. Circumstantial evidence. হাঁহ চোৰৰ মুৰত পাখি, | কঠাল চোৰৰ এঠাই সাখী। Ha(n)h chorar murat pakhi, Kathal chorar ethai sakhi. The feathers stick to the head of the duck-stealer, | And the gum is evidence against the jack fruit-stealer. কঠাল is the jack tree and its fruit. Sanskrit কণ্টক (eamtak); both the bark of the tree and the fruit are covered with a sticky juice or gum. 6 . A persona arth a great idea of his out importance. কৰ পৰা আহিলা কত দিলা ভৰি, চোতাল খান ফাটি গল চেত, চেত, কৰি। Kar para ahila kat dila bhari, Chotal khan phati gal chet chet kari, whence do you come? wherever you trod on the courtyard, it split in pieces. ~ Literally, whence comest thou? This is said ironically to somebody who gives himself airs, চেত চেত is one of the many Assamese expressions for conveying the sense of sound. Another such onomatopeic expression is ঘতং মতং, also গৃঙ্গ gring). চেত চেত কৰি convey the idea of noise in splitting or tearing asunder Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৪২
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