PENXT WISE YOtKD lOOUSH^^BSTISHKESS* %i iSlulcKi ai Uiii k«, (oiUk^; jii tim gun* H« dl«(li ifQ4 lasi alt in oiK»kiQ;f VQjS«bM«s, Im* Um« tines tia« «iiCHHit (ot tjult) 90^ in mitldBg tJ«d, Hie Qtdinuy Assamese meal oonsista of — it («) fish or wM (d&l) oooked« or (ft) fish and Tef»etakte oooked togeUier. liL In idditioii to the seoond, or as a substitute for it, a kind of salad is made ; this is called **pi^ka** by the Assamese, This is made £ram potatoes^ Tegetables, and chillies. The proreri) is a warning as:ainst false eoonomy, because it eo^ to less to ose oommoa salt in oooking 'than to make ««asltiaL** Penny wise IMMmi fixUisk, Sere aen Jii poviihi klnde* 8mb go a^oij, bat he crie« «fter the qoutaMMK. 07. PeertsJUiest. NiA he n^^ULo, kghoneo a^io^ Gato BidiD d«kh. If tbsre & MBiioif to eift I won't eat» mt tiie sune time I maN; fast. I Ktm't give my body ony troaUe. This should be more froperl j laainess. The last line of the pioTeib should be, I think, the motto of the Assamese, for he aboTe an things^ giring himself tha least trouble.
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/৩১
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