dak's agricultural sayings. 115 353. Chhai po chhai nati, Tehe karib^ ku(n)liiy^r khiti. If you have six eons and six grandsons, Then you can cultivate sugarcane. This saying refers to the large amount of cultivation sugar- cane requires. 3S4. Garu kinibd nighuni baga, D^ke bole mai ho lag^, Purchase a white bullock without blemish, Ddk says " I will be responsible for it." 355. Shit sariyah mil mdh, Sharanat nekdti be(.n)t b^(n)h. Don't sow mustard on the four lunar days ending in the suffix %, Or pulse on the five lunar days ending with the suffix ft| Don't cut bamboos or cane during the sharan. ^■^tf%, ^t^, ^fc^tw^, ^t^ 5f ^ are the four days ending in ^. t^ft, 1^^, ^Ift, ^^^, and W"f^ are the five tithis ending with the suffix ^ I 1^*1 {sharan) begins every month at the commencement of the solar asterism Sravand and ends on the Bevati, the last of the lunar asterisms. The six days of the Sharan of every month are considered inauspicious, especially for building, hence the prohi- bition regarding the cutting of bamboos and cane on those days. ^2
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/১২৫
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