96 SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBS. 286. The aat, হৰি পৰুৱাৰ অলপ বৰষুনেই বান, সোলা মুখৰ এ চৰেই তান। Guri paruwar alap barashunei ban, Sola mukhar e charei tan. To the ant a few rain drops is a flood, To the toothless mouth one slap even is hard to bear. গুৰি পৰুৱা (gun panuar) is a species of tiny ant. In the original Assamese, for অলপ বৰষুনেই (alap barashunei) read মুতনিয়েই। 28. Te beave bird. চৰাই হে সৰু কিন্তু লয় হোলোং গছত বাহ। Charai he saru kintu lay holong gachhat bah. The bird indeed is a small one, but it builds its nest in the lofty holog. The bird referred to is the little weaver bird, which builds its hanging nest on the highest branches of tall trees. The “ holong” (D. pilosus) is a fine tree, and grows with a long straight stem to a considerable height. The “ holong” supplies many of the tea boxes of Assann. 288. The chatal. দেখোতেই চিতল পিঠিতে কাইট। Dekhotei chital pithite ka(n)it. Obviously, a “ chitat” fish; it has thorns, on its back. | The “chital fish ” is very bony. Only the lower portion which is called কোলঠি is fit to eat. The back or upper portion which is full of bones is called গদা। 289. The monkey. বয়সত বান্দৰৰ সোন্দৰ। Bayasat bandaro sondar. The monkey even looks beautiful when it is full-growt. সৌন্দৰ is corrupted form of সুন্দৰ (beautiful). Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®
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