92 SOME ASSAMESE PROVERBS. 274* The mosquito. ^^^^ ^tc^, ^itr^T^ ^f^^ I Shu(n)r achhe Mti nahay manuh garu khai, Bdgh ntthay jake pai take khai, Haralak gliate, panir janmit. It has a trunk, but it is not an elephant, It eats men and cattle, but it is not a tiger ^ Whatever it eats, it eats on the spot. It vanishes with a blast of music, it is bora from water. It is not difficult to guess the answer to this simple Assamese riddle. 275. The dove and the hawk. ^f^ 5f^ ?Fi^?l1 "^nl CC^ f^C^I C3fCJT, Uii gal katiya kapo khedi nile sene. Eke kathi karere sat thait bhedile, lyo katha haichhe tene. The little dove has flown away being chased by a hawk, He has pierced it (the latter) in seven places with one arrow only ; This story also is like that. The above is meant to illustrate the case of a person who tells a story which prima facie appears to be false. 876- The mouse. ^ i^^r^^ >it^ ^t^T it^ I Eta niganir sat khdn pdm. One mouse has seven *' pdms.'* The word ^t^i (pom) means a farm, or more commonly a piece of outlying cultivation, which is often situated in the forest or in the midst of thick grass jungle. These pams are liable to
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/১০২
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