THE JACKAL-THE MOSQUITO. on যোগী, literally one who carries out the tenets of yoga philo- sophy, one who cultivates the faculty of attention. Yoga mean ing application. Idence the term yogi or jogi is applied to one - who gives up the world -a hermit. | বাউল (bal) seems to be connected with বলিয়া (baliya), the word বাউলী (badli) often being used as the feminine of বলিয়া (baliya). 21. The jackal. আচু কাঠত পৰি শিয়ালটো ৰঙ্গা হল। Achu kathat pari siyalto ranga hal. Tue jackal has got coloured red by falling into the dye-pot. The abve means that the jackal only by accident looked a better colour. Hence the proverb is applied to upstarts, who owe their position to some lucky accident. _ আঁচুকাঠ (c. zanthorrhizon) the tree, the root of which produces a yellow dye and which is used for dying cloth or thread. 272. • The elephast. আচলে পিছলে হাতিৰে পাও পিছলে। Achale pichhale hatiro pao pichhale. | In a bad place the foot of the elephant even slips. | The proverb is too well known to need comment, 23. The mosquito. আঠুয়া তলৰ মহ মোহাৰিলেয় মৰে। Athuwa talar mah mohariley mare. The mosqu to under the mcsquito curtain is killed by bring squeezed (this being the usual way of destroying this pest). The proverb applies to the case of a person who is under the thumb of another, and who can be ruined by the latter at any moment. A2 Uniy Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®)
পৃষ্ঠা:Some Assamese proverbs.djvu/১০১
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