পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৮৭

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই


  • 2 A piece of owl's bone measuning one finger in

length should be charmed in the second lunar mansion hy muttering the Daha mantra (No. 48) seven times over it. If this is kept imbedded in a man's house, he will get excited. 'The effect will be nullified by its removal. 95. THE MYSTICAL DIAGRAJI. | The jantra should be written with King's Yellow on a leaf of pput tree. The mণn will get excited in whose house it is kept buried after writing his name on it. | 96. ENMITY-CAUSING. - 1. The feather of a crow and that of an owl should be rolled into the shape of a stick of incense and it should be charmed by muttering the Mahavairab imatra (No. 50). In order to cause enmity between two friends, such sticks should be burnt in their respect- ive liouses. 2. The slough of a black cobra and the feather of a peacock should be ground into a pulp, and sticks of incense should be prepared from it. When such sticks, charmed with the Amukamuk mara, are burnt, its smell causes friends to fall out. 97. THE MYSTICAL DIAGRAM. The figures of crow and owl should be inscribed on bhijapatra with the extract of poisonous thorn-apple and it should be charmed by muttering the Devadatta mantra (No. 61). When the jatra, thus inscribed, is kept in a house, friends residing there will quarrel like crows and owls.