2. If a man wears a garland of red flowers after having charmed it with the seven-lettered maata (No. 41) muttered one hundred and eight times, he will become happy for all his life and will also attain wealth. 3. If the root of the white swallaw-wort plant is taken in the eighth lunar mansion after charming it by muttering the two-lettered tha@atra (No. 42) five hundred times and then worn on the arm, all impedi- ments will be removed. 4. If the root of Apaojita taken in the eighth lunar mansion, is tied round one's hand having charmed it with the Narasingha baitra (No. 39), there will be no fear from thieves ; the evil spirits will also be scared away. 85. THE MYSTICAL DIAGRAM. Tf the instru which should be written with gorochona on the bhordapata, is worn on the arm, it will cure phthisis, etc. ৪6, CAUSING SLEE PLESSNESS. 1. If something charmed with the Kalakali and [grachanda namtas muttering each mat7% one hundred and eight times, is scattered in the house and compound of a man, he shall have no sleep. 2. If a piece of betel-nut charmed with the Kalika %atra is chewed and the remains thrown into one's compound, while making a jump, the man will have no sleep. 3. If the root of Kaap tna (Jobs tears) kept imbedded underneath a man's. bedstead, he shall have no sleep.
পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৭৯
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