পৃষ্ঠা:Kamaratna Tantra.djvu/৬৩

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

51 60. DEVELOPMENT OF BREASTS. 1. Cardamom, root of pomegranate tree and white mustard seeds are ground together and roasted in the fire after rolling the paste in a plantain leaf. If the breasts are plastered with this for eight days, then they will ever remain erect like those of a young damsel of sixteen. 2. At the time of her first menses, if a girl takes by her nostrils the water in which rice has been washed, her breasts will remain erect. | 3. 'The same result will be obtained if one tola of rice is ground with blood and sniffed. 4. The root of a castor plant, the fat of sob fish, and the juice of a green Bed fruit should be mixed as a snuff and sniffed; if it is also applied to the breasts as a plaster for one month, then the fallen breasts will rise. 61. REMOVING THE BAD SMELL OF VAGINA. [ If the vagina is washed with the juice extracted from lemon leaf and is also plastered with a paste made by ground lemon leaves roasted in a roll of plantain leaf and then the vagina is washed with scented water, its bad smell will be removed for a long time. 62. REMOVAL OF VAGINAL HATRs. 1. The excreta of a buffalo-calf just after its birth, should be plastered over the vagina at night. It should then be covered with fallen hairs from the head and bandaged with a plantain leaf. The next morning it should be washed. Then all the hairs will fall off. {}} { 19 2. The underground nests of black ants should be reduced to powder and made into a paste, which, when applied to the private parts, will prevent the growing of hairs.