পৃষ্ঠা:হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ জীৱন চৰিত.pdf/১২৫

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাব জীৱন চৰিত ১০৫ নং 8 হেমচন্দ্ৰ বৰুৱাৰ উইল বা ইচ্ছাপত্ৰ I, Hem Chandra Barua at present of Gauhati in good health and memory declares that this is my last will and testament whereby 1 leave, bequeath and divide my property, which after payment of my debt or debts | may be in possession of at the time of my death, in the manner hereinafter stated, is to say- that 1. To my first younger brother Toolsiram Barua or in his absence to his legal heir Rs 3000/- and to my second younger brother Kamal Chandra alias Lomodar Barua or in his absence to his legal heir Rs. 3000/-. 2. To my grandson (son of my daughter, the deceased Sarada Devi) or in his absence to his legal heir Rs. 500/- and to his two sisters or in their absence to their legal heirs Rs. 250/- each. 3. To the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup Rs. 500/- to be invested by him in Government securities with the interest of which he is requested to award annually one silver medal to be called "The Hem Chandra Medal" to the student of the Gauhati High School who will pass best in Sanskrit at the Entrance Examination.