এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে



Sjt. Suryya, Kumar Bhunya M.A.

Vidyabinode, Says :—


 "⸻ our joy is that you have also unlocked your heart with this outlandish key bright with the romantic touch of your poetic art. Your Sonnets have brought before my eyes the long-forgotten images of Laura, Elionora, and Stella, so romantically associated with the lives of Sonnetors Petrarch, Tasso, and Sir Philip Sidney. They have opened a new vista in Assamese Literature by naturalising this Italian art, and by making the task of Sonnet-writing easier for subsequent writers. Though the Sonnet is a foreign instrument you have been able to handle it with all the naivete of a domestic