
এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে


 I have gone through the 1st part of the “Jiyan-Malini” in manuscript and am exceedingly glad to record my following testimonial in doing due justice to our young author Munshi Mofizuddin Ahmed Hazorika, may God bless him with a long life.

 It is a nice poetical reader got up very cleverly indeed. The subjects chosen are judicious, useful and charmingly instructive; the thoughts depicted are at (ice lofty and sublime; and above all, its language is chaste. simple, and of pure Assamese stock. The book when printed will, I believe, admirably suit for the poetical course in the Assamese language and literature for the Middle English and Middle Vernacular Examinations in Assam.

1st October,
Khan Bahadur,
(Late Extra Asstt. Commissioner
Dibrugarh, Assam.


 I have read with care and caution lie manuscript that came incidentally into my hands. of some Poetical pieces in Assamese entitled. JAYAN MALINI by Maulvie Mofizuddin Ahmed Hazorika, and find that the book bids fair to be the best of its kind. In his Juvenelia the author has shown the true poetic instinct which he is endowed with. The topics are happily chosen, the ideas are sublime and the design is executed in true poetic fashion; and what is more invaluable work has been so late in finding a place in the