me for observation and remark. I am tempted to say that its author has nicely delineated what seemed to him to be sweet, good and profitable to the youths of Assam.
I am sure, we have few like the one under notice in good Assamese. The author has not laboured in vain for such production. A poetical work like this would most gladly recommend, and its introduction in the schools where Assamese is taught is desirable.
Nov. 20.96. |
Munshi Mofizuddin Ahmed Hazorika,
My dear Munshi,
I must thank you for your kindness in allowing me to read your "Jnyan-Malini" part I, in manuscript. The book very well testifies your high abilities. Your thoughts are sublime and you have expressed them in pure Assamese metre. I shall be glad to see the book introduced in the higher classes of our Middle Vernacular and English Schools.
18th September . |