General Symptoms—Swelling at the foot of the ear causing sores.
Medicine— Foment with Temena leaves and Castor leaves heated over fire, also bandage with the same.
General Symptoms —Hard swellings on the breast or abdomen.
Medicines—1. Squeeze out juice of Jatormola and give internally with common salt, and foment with the refuse of the bark.
2. Apply externally the paste made of the following things :—barks of Chong, Jatormala, Baghnala, root of Papaya, lime soot and juice squeezed out of the plantain sheath.
3. Give internally the paste of the following:— Laigooti, jut seed, jabeisori, and rips betel leaf.
Medicine— Powder and mix the following, and give internally—1. Roots of castor plant, Chita, Akon and Keturi, Joni, Sulfa chand, Kaljira and rock salt.
2. Give internally 7 leaves of Akon rolled in a green plantain leaf and roasted within blazing charcoal with salt.
3. Give a Bon-Nohoru, roasted and kept outside the house on the previous night, with salt.
General Symptoms—Rumbling and rolling of the stomach, cessation from food and drink, uplifted head and inability to remain standing.