পৃষ্ঠা:কাহুদি আৰু খাৰলি (Kahudi aru Kharali.pdf/৬

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ বৈধকৰণ হৈছে

are concerned. Our Holy Prophet himself allowed the playing of music inside the mosque during its Id Festival and asked Hazrat Ayesh to witness the same. He even received the non-Moslem delegation of Yemen in the mosque and allowed them to stay there. The Khalifatul Muslims at Constantinople used to attend the Salam Alek ceremony on Friday at the St. Sophia Mosque accompanied by Turkish Bands. During the Moslem rule Ram Lila used to be held in front of Jam-I-Masjid at Delhi and the Royalities used to gather at the mosque and garland the hero of the play. In Calcutta in a Mohamedan family musical marriage procession was started from the house in the compound of which a mosque was started. Certain Akharas with music start from a mosque even to this day and all other Akharas visit the Mowlally Durga adjacent to the mosque and play music for hours together without any protest from any quarter. I am therefore of opinion that it has nothing to do with Shariat and has been invented by self-interested persons or party as a counterblast to cow-sacrifice in order to cause wanton irritation among the ignorant section of the community."

চমুকৈ ইয়াৰ মৰ্ম্ম – মই কওঁ যে মছজিদৰ সন্মুখত গান-বাজনাৰ কথাটো ধৰ্ম্ম সম্পৰ্কীয় প্ৰশ্ন কৰি লোৱাটো উচিত নহয়, যেতিয়া আন ধৰ্ম্মাৱলম্বীসকলৰ তাত সংশ্ৰব থাকে। আমাৰ পৱিত্ৰ ধৰ্ম্মোপদেষ্টা হজৰৎ মহম্মদেও ইদ্‌ উৎসৱত মছজিদৰ ভিতৰত বাজনা বজাবলৈ দিছিল আৰু হজৰৎ আয়েসাক শুনিবলৈ কৈছিল। ইয়েমেনৰ বিধৰ্ম্মী প্ৰতিনিধিসকলক তেওঁ