পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ চানেকি v1.pdf/৫৯

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meet of India, and it was published by the Assam Government Be translated with Col, Gurdon the story of the Prodigal Son in standard Assamese for Dr. Grierson's Languito Save of lade, Mr. Goswami also wrote an introduction to the first edition of the present writers life of Assadoraem Booah, published in 1920. He gave, there a short account of the biographical literature of ancient Assam, and referred parti- cularly to the biography of a female saint named Ai-Lakshmi, | Cometweio -Thus lived and worked Hemchandra Goswami, affable and inspiring in personality, versatile and aatholic in scholarship, undaunted and unfinching in the service of his country's history and literature, an ardent patriot, a true Indian and a truer Assamese. Diverse are the ways of serving one's motherland; and Hemchandra's mission was to make his countrymen realise their past greatness specially in its cultural aspects; and this he regarded as the stepping stone to the revival of his country's consciousness and all endeavous for its regeneration. Inspired by this noble ideal Hemchandra worked unceasingly for its realisation, devoted all his leisure which his heavy official duties could permit, sacrificed his health and comfort, worked when others slept, and died before his time and before his life's goal was finally reached. But he wakened his countrymen to a, phase of patriotism which posterity will at let willingly die. He has sown the seeds of possibility which in time will yield a rich harvest to the delight and amazement of all beholders. When Assam will be culturally discovered by Bengal and the rest of India, Hemchandra's contributions will serve as guide-posts suggesting lines of research and investigation. To repeat the words of Lt-col. P. R, T. Gurdon, “ truly a great and good man has passed away and one whose place it will be extremely dificult to fil. corrON couGE, ) davar, ASSAM. 8-9-19a.. SDErYUNA BHA