পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ চানেকি v1.pdf/৪৮

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হৈছে


Megha Mukdum under the orders of King Naranarayan of Cooch-Behat. The King was a reputed patron pt scholars, poets and saints; and his commissioning of the erudite pandits of the land to translate Sanskrit master pieges into Assamese for the odification of Sudras and females and of Brahmans at & later age". has its counter part in a similar attempt made by his great contempo- rary Akbar. King Naranarayan summoned all the scholars of Gauda and Kamarupa and commanded them to compile new treatises or translate specif classics. Purushottam Vidyavagis was entrusted with the compilation of a grammar entitled Batamala-ayakaran; Rama Saraswati was to translate the entire Mahabharata, the Ramayana and the eighteen Purana৪; Sankar Deva was asked to translate the twelve gantos of the Bhagavata; Sridhara gompiled a popular treatise on astronomy; and Bakul kayastha was to render atava into Assamese. The description of the above attempt of the King for the cultural regeneration of his countrymen is not an artistic device to bring in all the poets and scholars of Narch- narayan's time together in one canvas, It is a historical fact and has been corroborated by the independent testimony of the writers themselves who have all acknowledged their gratitude to the royal patron in the colophons of their respe tive works. This measure of Ring Naranarayan places him on the same line with Alfred, Akbar and Sir Asutosh Mookerjee. The Daragaj- 8&pali has been an in- valuable source-book for all studies connected with the early history of the Koch rulers,
 Ratha-Gita.⸺This is a prose rendering of the Gita by Baikunthanath Kaviratna Bhagavata-Bhattacharyya com- monly known as Bhattadeva, a contemporary of Sankar Deva and a learned exponent of the Vaisnava cult. His descen-

dants are still holding charge of two notable monasteries of Kamrup, Patbaus tra and Blahkuchi Satra, Bhattada was also the author of the Assamese prose translation of the