পৃষ্ঠা:অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ মৌলিক বিচাৰ আৰু সাহিত্যৰ চিনাকি.pdf/6

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

After these Non-Vedic Aryan people , cume edic Aryans, N, N, Bas in [s Hist of Kan rup states that videgha Mathava carried the tored of Vedic culture up to and across the Sadanita (if the karatoya ) in the age of the Satapatha Brahmana (b) . We cannot ver anything as to the date. But the fact that a large number of Assamese words are derived from Sanskrit directly and in a line quite different from the Indian Prakr.ts proves that at least এonme Indo-Aryans had settled in Assame before the Indian Prakr.ts raised their heads , ie while Sanskrit was still the standard spoken language of India So Assam developed her own Prakrt which was diff erent from Magadhan and other Indian Prali:ts in some vital points as shown in this book. But the migration of people from Northern India to Assam continued ever after. ( e ) They introduced the voca- bিulary of the Indian Prakrts which replaced the local Prakrt to a little extentThe fertile soil of Assam and especially the persistenee of Hindo domination there, till the beginning of the 19th century have always attracted foreigners from Bengal and Northern India who came either in search of empolyment or to seek (b) Vide S. History K. p 24, 102. e Brahmins ( and probably other easte Hia uns) case in order to escape the persection of Birddhist dে আere given ted nods by the Iriano nonarchs of this