পৃষ্ঠা:Mor Sowarani.djvu/২০০

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

Str8 মোৰ সোৱণ মোৰ বিশেষ সাহিত্যিক পেন্সন সম্পৰ্কীয় তলত দিয়া গৱৰ্ণমেন্ট কাত-পত্ৰাদিৰ নকল দৰং জিলাৰ পেটা কমিচনাৰ চাহাবৰ অৰীয়তে মোৰ হাতত পৰিলহি Grant of Special Literary Pension to Sjt Padmanath Baruah. No. 347 of 1908. Govt. of India Finance Department, Pension of Gratuities To the Right Hon'ble Viscount Morley of Blackburn, C. M. His Majesty's Secrteary of State for India. Dated Calcutta the 10th December 1908. My Lord, We have the honour to forward for your Lordship's consideration a letter from Government of Eastean Bengal & Assam, No. 2380. E. dated the 18th September, 1908, enclosing a copy of a letter from the Commissioner, Assam Valley Districts and of a petition from Sjt Padmanath Baruah in which he prays for the Grant of a Literary Pension to enable him to devote the remainder of his life to the advancement and development of Assamese literature. We think that the case is worthy of consideration by Government and we accordingly recommend for your Lordship’s sanction to the proposal made by the Lieutenant Governor that a special Literary Pension of Rs 25,- per mensem, to be paid from the Provincial Revenues, should be granted to the petitioner for life, in addition to whatever small pension he may earn by his service under Government. We have etc. (sd.) Minto Kitchener H. E. Richards C. H. Scott (sd.) H. Adamson J. O. Miller W. L. Harvey G. F. Wilson. Financial No. 12. India office, London, 22nd. Jannary, 1909.