পৃষ্ঠা:প্ৰাচীন কামৰূপীয় কায়স্থ-সমাজৰ ইতিবৃত্ত.djvu/৮৩৬

এই পৃষ্ঠাটোৰ মুদ্ৰণ সংশোধন কৰা হোৱা নাই

ক’ সম্মা ইতি। By Command of His Excellency the viceroy and Governor-General in Council this certificate is presented in the name of H18 Most Grecious Majesty king George V, Emperor of India, the Orcasion of His Imperial Majesty's coronation Durber at Delhi to Srijat Dattamal Patwarı of Kamrup, in recognition of Meritorious services as a Mauzadar . on 12 th December, 1911 8d Illigible, Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bangal And ASSAM. By order of The Hon'ble the Chief commissioner of Assam." This certificate is granted to Srijut. Aran Chandra Choudhury, Mauzadar, in recognition of his services 2 connection with the second Indian war Loan, Gauhati, The 20 th May, 1919. Sd. A. Bentinak, Deputy commissioner of Kamrap.